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You can use the backup and restore feature to backup the full configuration of a MobiusFlow instance, and to restore the configuration of a MobiusFlow instance to a previously saved backup.
In summary, all configuration data of a MobiusFlow instance can be stored within a single .zip file. This means the current configuration of any MobiusFlow instance can be backed up by simply downloading this backup file and saving it in a safe location of your choice. Similarly, the configuration of any MobiusFlow instance can restored by uploading one of your previously saved backup files.
All backup and restore functionality is accessed through the 'Backup/Restore' menu located on the 'Administration' Tab.
On the 'Backup/Restore' menu, you can create a backup by clicking 'Backup'.
Giving the backup an appropriate name is recommended. In the above example, the name 'example-backup' has been set. The system will automatically append date/time information to the file name.
Once the backup file has been created, click 'Download Zip' to download it.
Alternatively, the you can click 'Request new backup' to return to the previous menu and generate an updated backup file.
Be sure to save your backup file in a safe location! There is nothing worse than not being able to find a much needed backup file.
The restore feature is particularly useful if you want to copy a MobiusFlow configuration onto to other MobiusFlow instances, however it also useful if you've managed to break everything.
The 'Backup/Restore' menu is also used for restoring. You can restore by first clicking 'Upload Zip' and then browsing to the .zip backup file you previously saved in a safe place.
Once uploaded, the menu will show the backup information as well as allowing you to click 'Restore'.
Accept the a confirmation dialog to proceed.
You will be notified that the restoration process has started and then MobiusFlow will then reboot, completing the restore process.
Congratulations for completing your restore!