Get connector details and update firmware
The about page shows you information about the connector. You can also update the connector's firmware by clicking on the Update Firmware button
Click on the Update Firmware button on the About page
Click on Choose File and select the firmware file you want to upload
Click on the Update button
After a few minutes the connector will reboot and start running the new firmware
Make sure that you choose firmware with the same model number as your connector!
Configure the wired or wireless Ethernet connection
You can choose to use a wired or wireless (2.4GHz WiFi) connection to connect a connector to your MobiusFlow® instance
Select your network type using the Connect Via dropdown. The page layout will change depending on the option selected
When using a wireless connection you need to enter the WiFi network's SSID (name) and password. You can click on the Scan WiFi Networks button to get a list of available WiFi networks
You can set a connection timeout in minutes. If the connector fails to connect to a network within this time it will reboot and try again
You can choose to use a DHCP server to allocate the connector an IP Address or set a static IP Address. If you choose to use a static IP Address a few more options will be shown. Set these according to your network
Once you have configured all network settings click the Save button
Click the Home button on the settings saved confirmation page to return to the Home page
Configure a MobiusFlow instance for connectors
Configuring MobiusFlow for use with Connectors uses the MobiusFlow Connectors service. A full guide on how to use this service can be found .
Overview of MobiusFlow Connectors
The Connector collects data from sensors and sends data to actuators via standard wireless sensor protocols such as EnOcean and Workplace Occupancy, and sends this data securely to a MobiusFlow using an MQTT based Protocol.
Once the data has been received by a MobiusFlow instance, it is decoded and the associated MobiusFlow object is updated with the latest sensor readings which can then be processed by the gateway.
There are several hardware options for the MobiusFlow Connector software:
A full guide on configuring MobiusFlow for use with Connectors can be found .
Return all settings to factory default
If you forget your connector's Config Mode Password or want to fully reset all settings to the factory default follow the procedure below
A SIM card removal tool, large paper clip or pin to push the configuration mode button
Using a pin hold in the configuration mode button (inside the small hole to the right of the USB connector) on the front panel for 10 seconds
While you are holding the button in the green LED will start to flash rapidly and after 10 seconds the connector will reboot. Once you see the power on LED sequence release the configuration mode button
The Home page has the following buttons
Configure the wired or wireless Ethernet network settings
Manage all certificates for TLS connections. The default certificates are for MobiusFlow® cloud hosted instances but you can add your own if required
Configure the connection to the MQTT broker you chose when configuring MobiusFlow® for connectors
Change the configuration mode password
See information about the connector such as the software version, serial number, andwhich modules are installed
You can also update the firmware on this page
Reboot the device to exit configuration mode and use the new settings
Configure a connector to connect to a MobiusFlow® instance
A device with a web browser such as a laptop, tablet or smart phone, capable of connecting to a 2.4GHz WiFi access point
A SIM card removal tool, large paper clip or pin to push the configuration mode button
A powered MobiusFlow® connector
The connector's Serial Number
If you leave the connector in configuration mode for more than 5 minutes it will automatically reboot and leave configuration mode
The connector's configuration mode can be enabled in two ways:
Using a pin hold in the configuration mode button (inside the small hole to the right of the USB connector) on the front panel for 2 seconds
Release the button and the green LED will flash rapidly
Using your laptop / tablet / smartphone look for a WiFi network with the same name as the connectors serial number
Connect to this network and enter the connector's Config Mode Password. The default is mobiusflow
Open a web browser on your laptop / tablet / smartphone and enter into the browsers address bar and hit enter
The web browser will show the connector's configuration Home page
This method is only available if you already know the IP address of the connector
Make sure that the connector and your laptop / tablet / smart phone are connected to the same Ethernet network
Open a web browser and browse to <your connector IP address>:8080 e.g.
You will need to enter a user name and password. The user name is admin and the password is the same as the connector's Config Mode Password. The default is mobiusflow
After a short delay the web browser will redirect to the connector's configuration Home page
You have three options to power the connector
Power over Ethernet (30 watts)
DC Supply via screw terminals
5 to 24Vdc 500mA
5V 500mA via micro USB
You can connect to your network via wired Ethernet or 2.4GHz WiFi
The image and table below describe the connections and LED indicators on the front panel of the connector.
Ethernet port and PoE Supply
5 to 24vdc screw terminals
USB power
Configuration button
Push and hold to enter config mode or factory reset
Power OK indicator
Connector is powered
5 to 24vdc power OK
USB power OK
PoE power OK
MobiusFlow® connected
Connected to MobiusFlow® gateway
Network connected (upstream)
Network connection established
Module present in slot 1
Module 1 activity
Flashes when module 1 sends or receives data
Module present in slot 2
Module 2 activity
Flashes when module 2 sends or receives data
The product label is on the bottom of the connector. It shows the part number, software version and serial number of the product.
The serial number is required when configuring both the connector and your MobiusFlow® instance. Make sure you take a note of the serial number before starting
Manage certificates for TLS connections
When using TLS you will need to set the correct CA / Server certificates. You can have up to three certificates set. If the connector fails to connect using one of the certificates it will cycle through all three, trying each one until it connects
The default certificates are ISRG Root X1 certificates which are used when connecting to MobiusFlow® hosted instances of MobiusFlow®
You can set the certificate by pasting the certificate text into the selected certificate slot
If your setup requires the use of Client certificates you can set up to four different certificates and keys. Paset these into the selected certificate and key slots
How to convert a Raspberry Pi into a MobiusFlow Connector
A Raspberry Pi is required. Currently supported Raspberry Pi models include:
Raspberry Pi 4
Raspberry Pi 5
An SD card for each Raspberry Pi is required to store the connector image. We recommend a minimum storage of 8GB.
Most protocol types require specific hardware to translate that protocol to the Raspberry Pi.
The following transceiver types are supported. Only 1 is required per Pi:
TCM310 (Pi Hat)
868MHz (Europe) EnOcean transceiver to plug into Raspberry Pi header
TCM310U (Pi Hat)
902MHz (North America) EnOcean transceiver to plug into Raspberry Pi header
USB 300 (USB Stick)
868MHz (Europe) EnOcean transceiver to plug into Raspberry Pi USB Port
USB 500U (USB Stick)
902MHz (North America) EnOcean transceiver to plug into Raspberry Pi USB Port
MobiusFlow Raspberry Pi connectors run Balena OS. Athlough not required, if your organisation registers with BalenaCloud, Balena OS grants a direct VPN link to the connector, allowing configuration changes to be made over the internet.
When using more than 5 devices, BalenaCloud becomes a piad service. As such, we offer versions of the Balena images which do not support remote access and therefore do not require a subscription to BalneaCloud.
The following, no remote access images can be downloaded:
The following is an overview of the steps involved to use BalenaCloud with MobiusFlow RPI connectors:
Create BalenaCloud Account
Create BalenaCloud Fleet
Attach BalenaCloud Fleet to the corresponding MobiusFlow Connector Balena Application
Add a new device to the fleet and download the subsequent Balena image
Etch the image
We have a full guide on how to use the BalenaCloud with MobiusFlow itself here. Please note
The above guide differs in the context of MobiusFlow Connectors because the BalenaCloud Fleets should be linked to the MobiusFlow Connector BalenaCloud applications, instead of the standard MobiusFlow BalenaCloud applications.
We recommend using the Balena Etcher tool to etch the images onto an SD Card. The tool is self-explanatory, but full full documentation of how to use the tool can be found here.
BalenaCloud charges hosting fees when more than 5 devices are associated to the account. If remote access to the Connector confiruation is not required, the device can be deleted from the BalenCloud fleet. The Connector software running on the device will remain, and the device will operate as normal.
Configure the MQTT connection to MobiusFlow®
MobiusFlow® connectors send and receive data via MQTT. You need to configure the MQTT settings to match the configuration you set in the Configuring MobiusFlow® section of this guide.
You can choose any MQTT client ID but this must be unique for your MQTT broker. The default is the connector's serial number
Enter the IP Address or URL of the MQTT broker. You do not need to specify MQTT:// or MQTTS:// before the URL
Enter the MQTT Port number. This is normally 1883 or 8883 for TLS enabled connections
If required enter the MQTT broker authorisation Username and Password. These can be left blank if no authentication is required
Enter the same pre-shared key (PSK) as you entered in the Configuring MobiusFlow® section of this guide
If you are using TLS make sure you check the TLS using CA Certificate option. You must also set the correct CA Server Certificate on the Manage Certificates page
You may also choose to use a Client Certificate and Key. Check this option if required and ensure that you have setup your client certificate and key on the Manage Certificates page
Once you have configured all MQTT settings click the Save button
Click the Home button on the settings saved confirmation page to return to the Home page
Set the configuration mode password
The Config Mode Password is used to login to the configuration pages of the connector. The default password is mobiusflow
You can change the password on this page
If you forget your password you will have to factory reset the connector
Click the Save button
Click the Home button on the settings saved confirmation page to return to the Home page
Page covers how to configure a Raspberry Pi Connector
If the Connector is hosted via BalenaCloud and has an internet connection, the configuration can be accessed anywhere via the BalenaCloud Public Device URL.
If the connector is hosted by MobiusFlow, please contact support to receive the Public Device URL.
The BalenaCloud Public Device URL can be found by Navigating to the connector device on the BalenaCloud fleet.
By default, the MobiusFlow connector will broadcast a WiFi access point, the name of which matches the connector's serial number (in the form of MF_XXXXX). Connect to this access point on a computer or mobile device. Then the configuration window is accessible by browsing to
If the connector is connected to a local network via Ethernet or WiFi (with a known IP address) and you're able to also connect to this network using a computer or mobile device, then simple browse to the local IP of the connector.
When browsed to the configuration window of the connector, a login screen is presented.
The default password of all new MobiusFlow connectors is:
Note that, if the connector is not new, this login password may have been changed.
When on the the home page, the current status of the connector is shown. This includes:
Serial Number
Required in the MobiusFlow connectors service. Note that this is copyable using the copy button displayed next to the number is itself
Ethernet Connection Status
The IP address will be displayed if connected
WiFI Connection Status
The IP address will be displayed if connected
On-Board WiFi Hotspot (Labelled WiFi AP)
Will show a green tick if the On-Board WiFi Access point is enabled
MQTT Connected
Will show a green tick to indicate the connector is has connected to MobiusFlow
Module 1 / Module 2
Will show which types of transceivers are physically connected to the Raspberry Pi
The main menu also allows navigation to the connectors configuration pages. These includes those for Network Configuration, MQTT Configuration, Certification Configuration, and the Change Password page (allows the connector configuration password to be changed).
It is critical that the MobiusFlow connector's network situation is such that it can access the target MobiusFlow instance over the network. This may be over the internet or simply over a local network.
In either situation, the connector must be connected to the network and the configure network page allows for this.
The connection type allows choosing between a Wired or WiFi connection.
If using a Wired connection, ensure the Raspberry Pi is plugged in via Ethernet.
If using WiFi mode, the WiFi SSID and corresponding password must be populated.
Note that: In WiFi mode, the Wired network interface will remain enabled in the background. This acts as a secondary fall back interface, useful for accessing the connector the WiFi has failed to connect.
Note that: If using in WiFi mode, using the Connector as WiFi access point is no longer possible. This is because the Raspberry Pi only contains a single WiFi adapter and therefore it can only be used to either connect to WiFi or as an access point.
The TCP/IP settings allow switching between DHCP and Static IP allocation. Unless there are specific reasons to set the connector on a static IP address, using DHCP is recommended.
If using the connector in Static mode, the Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS 1 can be set. If it is not clear what to use here, use the default settings as shown below.
Note that, the default gateway is not required however if the connector required access to the internet, the local IP address of the internet providing gateway (Network router / modem) must be populated here. This is often in the form XXX.XXX.XXX.1 or XXX.XXX.XXX.0 .
Setting the connector up to be a WiFi access point is useful for two reasons.
Firstly, it allows you to connect to it, allowing for easy wireless access to its configuration page. Secondly, if this connector has internet access via ethernet, it can act as an internet enabled hotspot to connect WiFi device to, in-turn giving them internet access.
Note that: If using in WiFi mode, using the Connector as WiFi access point is no longer possible. This is because the Raspberry Pi only contains a single WiFi adapter and therefore it can only be used to either connect to WiFi or as an access point.
If the WiFi access point is enabled, a WiFi SSID and Password must be set. It is recommended the default SSID is used (This matches the the connectors Serial Number)
To save the changes click the save button. If there are an issues with the configuration, such as an invalid input in one of the fields, the form will show this and the changes will not be saved. If the settings were saved correctly, a pop up will show this after the save button has been clicked.
Note that, when changes are saved here, they're only being saved to the local changes within the browser window. To realise the changes in the connector, the Reconfigure and Reboot button must be clicked on the main menu
Connectors use MQTT to communicate with MobiusFlow. As such, the Configure MQTT page allows the connector to be pointed at a specific MQTT broker. In almost all cases, the broker will be running the MobiusFlow instance itself.
Before setting up the connector's MQTT configuration, ensure you first set up the MobiusFlow instance ready for this connection. A guide on how to do this can be found here.
The configuration window shows the key 6 properties which must configured to allow an authorised connection to the MQTT broker.
The IP location of the MQTT broker. This may be a local IP address, an internet IP address or a DNS name. Do not include any protocol prefix (such as mqtt:// or https://)
The port the MQTT broker is running on. If using the MQTT broker within MobiusFlow, this port number is set and shown within the service settings within the MQTT broker service within MobiusFlow. This is often 1883. Note that, if the MobiusFlow instance is hosted in the MobiusFlow cloud, port 1883 is externally exposed on 8883 (i.e. use 8883 even if MobiusFlow shows 1883)
The username of any MQTT user set up on the MQTT broker (if using the broker within MobiusFlow, this can be set up within the MQTT broker service settings within MobiusFlow)
The password of any MQTT user set up on the MQTT broker (if using the broker within MobiusFlow, this can be set up within the MQTT broker service settings within MobiusFlow)
The pre-shared key of the connector. This can be anything however it must match the pre-shared key set up within the target connector object within the connectors service within the MobiusFlow instance.
A true / false property determining if the connection will attempt to use MQTT of TLS. This depends on how MobiusFlow is hosted and where the connector is accessing it from. Most set ups which involving accessing MobiusFlow over the internet will use TLS. If using an instance of MobiusFlow hosted via the MobiusFlow cloud, always enable TLS.
To save the changes click the save button. If there are an issue with the configuration, such as an invalid input in one of the fields, the form will show this and the changes will not be saved. If the settings were saved correctly, a pop up will show this after the save button has been clicked.
Note that, when changes are saved here, they're only being saved to the local changes within the browser window. To realise the changes in the connector, the Reconfigure and Reboot button must be clicked on the main menu
Once the changes have been made locally, to implement the changes within the connector, click the Reconfigure and Reboot button.
This will cause the connector to reboot. As such, the configuration window's connection to the connector will be lost. This may automatically be restored once the connector reboots, but this may not be the case if the connector's configuration has changed such that it is no longer accessible over the network.